Strengthening the Core: Intermediate Core Workout

Having established a strong core foundation, it's time to take your core workouts to the next level. Intermediate core workouts target your abdominal and lower back muscles with more challenging exercises, helping you achieve greater core strength and stability.


Eddie Francisco

selective focus photography of woman doing planking on bench
selective focus photography of woman doing planking on bench

Having established a strong core foundation, it's time to take your core workouts to the next level. Intermediate core workouts target your abdominal and lower back muscles with more challenging exercises, helping you achieve greater core strength and stability. In this guide, we will explore the benefits of intermediate core training, discuss specialized equipment (optional), and present a comprehensive intermediate-level core workout routine.

The Intermediate Core Challenge

Intermediate core workouts go beyond the basics, requiring increased coordination, endurance, and strength. These exercises will not only continue to improve your posture, balance, and athletic performance but also provide the necessary foundation for advanced core workouts.

Benefits of Intermediate Core Training

1. Enhanced Core Strength: Intermediate exercises target deeper core muscles, providing a more substantial boost in strength and stability.

2. Improved Postural Support: A strong core helps maintain an upright posture, reducing the risk of back pain and injury.

3. Greater Athletic Performance: Advanced core strength can significantly enhance your performance in various sports and physical activities.

4. Reduced Risk of Injury: A robust core acts as a protective shield for your spine and can reduce the risk of lower back injuries.

5. Increased Endurance: Intermediate core workouts challenge your endurance, allowing you to maintain stability for more extended periods.

Intermediate Core Workout: Equipment (Optional)

While many intermediate core exercises can be performed without equipment, here are some optional tools that can add variety and intensity to your routine:

1. Exercise Ball: Useful for stability exercises and adding resistance to certain movements.

2. Dumbbells: Can be used to increase resistance for some exercises.

3. Resistance Bands: Provide additional resistance and versatility for core exercises.

4. BOSU Ball: A half-sphere platform that adds instability to exercises, increasing the core engagement.

Now, let's dive into a well-rounded intermediate core workout routine.

Intermediate Core Workout Routine

Perform each exercise for 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions, resting for 30-60 seconds between sets.

1. Russian Twists (with or without weight)

Sit on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat.

Lean back slightly, keeping your back straight.

Hold a weight or use your hands, and twist your torso to one side, then the other.

Keep your feet off the ground for added difficulty.

2. Plank with Leg Lift

Start in a forearm plank position.

Lift one leg off the ground while maintaining a straight line from head to heels.

Alternate legs with each repetition.

3. Side Plank with Leg Raise (both sides)

Begin in a side plank position on your forearm.

Lift your top leg as high as you can, then lower it back down.

Complete a set on one side before switching to the other.

4. Hollow Body Hold

Lie on your back with your arms extended overhead and legs straight.

Lift your arms, head, shoulders, and legs off the ground, forming a "hollow" shape.

Hold this position for as long as possible.

5. Mountain Climbers

Start in a push-up position with your hands beneath your shoulders.

Alternate bringing your knees towards your chest in a running motion, keeping your core engaged.

6. Dead Bug

Lie on your back with your arms extended towards the ceiling and knees bent at a 90-degree angle.

Lower your right arm and left leg towards the ground simultaneously while keeping your back pressed into the floor.

Return to the starting position and switch sides.

7. Leg Raises (with or without a ball)

Lie on your back with your arms at your sides.

Lift your legs off the ground, keeping them straight, then lower them back down.

8. BOSU Ball Plank

Place your forearms on the flat side of the BOSU ball and assume a plank position.

Maintain a straight line from head to heels while balancing on the unstable surface.

9. Russian Twist with Resistance Band

Sit on the floor with your knees bent and loop a resistance band around your feet.

Hold the band with both hands and perform Russian twists, keeping tension on the band throughout.

Intermediate core workouts offer an excellent opportunity to continue strengthening your core muscles and enjoy the numerous benefits that come with a strong and stable core. Remember to maintain proper form, stay consistent with your routine, and challenge yourself progressively as you advance in your fitness journey. By incorporating these intermediate-level exercises into your core workout routine, you'll be well on your way to achieving enhanced core strength, improved posture, and greater overall physical performance.